The Role Of Primary Education In Choosing A Profession
Being successful in life entails doing some activities that keep us occupied and satisfied and which give us income to cover the costs of living and supply us with our needs. Without basic education, we are bound to pursuing only manual work, which does not need any special professional training. Such work is mostly poorly paid. This means that we might not earn enough to sustain all the costs of our life.
In primary school, we learn to read, write, do arithmetic and socialize with others. In a fast-developing world, these are the minimum skills needed in order to survive. They function like a threshold though which all should go, in order to be able to exploit any potential in life.
In line with the above-mentioned skills, it should be the responsibility of primary schools to teach the children the following:
- Communication
- Expression of views and opinion in an orderly manner
- Respecting views and opinions of others in society
- Harmonising with other members of the society
- Establishing Self-confidence
- Learning to learn and seeing learning as a life-long process
- Growth through hard work and the strive to do even better
Although these skills are not focused towards choosing a career, they are a foundation on which every other thing follows. Therefore, quality primary education is an important prerequisite in the upbringing of quality professionals in the society. The said quality cannot only be attained in big towns or elite institution, which cost very much. From my experience, many people of decisive influence in different institutions around the world came from rural areas of Cameroon and other countries, where they went to primary schools with poor infrastructure, but good quality teaching.
Pupils should have the possibility to explore all what is around them, get in touch with some professions and experiment besides formal learning in school. Some people had their inspiration that led to their fulfilling profession later on in life through encounters in primary school (age).