Each individual has a personality, which is intentionally or non-intentionally developed. While some personality traits are genetically determined, much of personality formation depends on environmental factors (upbringing, geographical, economical, educational, religious and other socioeconomic spaces) in which we grow up.
It is important to sensitize young people about the fact that they have the ability to determine what their personality can be and to work towards attainging this objective. The second most important aspect is knowing that a multitude of factors is needed to develop a personality. Each individual is encouraged to expore for themselves, which factors apply in their situation and allocating priorities according to the kind of personality they would like to develop.
Studying various personalities in our environment (village, town, school and the society at large), we can be inspired by various aspects so as to develop our own personality concept that we want to work to realise ond day.
Although personality characters may stay stable over years, there is always an intentional or non-intentional modification over the whole life span.